Friday, January 28, 2011

A Week Full Of Fun, Friends And A Little Work

I just returned from a week in Minneapolis (can I just say, freezing!) for Lifetouch Sales Training. Most people might hear that and want to say "Sorry" but I had such a wonderful time! Yes, training was long and difficult to get through at times but it was extremely helpful and made much easier by the fact that I was with a wonderful group of friends. When I started my Lifetouch career back in April, I was immediately sent out for training on my second day. I made great connections and 7 of us who have all stayed in close contact, made arrangements to be at the past week's training together again. It was fantastic to get the same great roomie for the week, hang out with my friends until the wee hours and let loose and laugh in a way that I don't usually get to in the chaos of being a busy, busy mom. As excited as I was to leave yesterday and get back to my babies, it was still emotional to leave my friends behind since none of us are very close and we don't know when we'll see each other again. I have truly found a career and company that is like family and I count myself blessed to be able to say that!

The whole gang at dinner, along with President & COO of Lifetouch, Nancy Dahl

Roomies and good friends!

Some of the gang enjoying dinner with Lifetouch Exec's

Good friends who can let loose and have fun no matter where we're at!

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